Friday, August 27, 2010

Si oiseau j'etais

This doesn't happen very often, but last night I definitely dreamed I was a bird.
I don't know what kind of bird I was, but I was rather small, maybe the size of a finch, and my feathers were black and white. It's kind of hard to describe, but I knew I was me and I knew as I was flying around that I really wasn't a bird. It felt sort of like I was given some sort of temporary gift, like something was allowing me to see life from the perspective of a bird.

I was flying around someones house (not my own), through a garden, sometimes landing on a wooden fence, sometimes on the roof. At some point I saw a family, in a blurry off to the side sort of way as if I weren't really looking at or paying attention to them. I think it was a mother and her two kids walking out of a garage where they had parked their car.

At some point I landed on a water hose or something long and skinny on the ground. (Probably because I got stung by that thing) I quickly took flight when I saw a large red beetle crawling in my direction through the low-cut grass.

I remember circling a large tree and seeing the sun in the distance. For a moment I felt like I was being drawn to it, like that's where I belonged. I saw a few other birds in the distance flying toward the sun and immediately started after them. But the more I flapped in that direction, the heavier my wings seemed to get. Not only that, it seemed I wasn't going anywhere because I kept circling the tree even though I was trying my hardest to fly toward the sun. I felt like I would burst into tears as a sick feeling started to grow inside me and a weight seemed to bear down on top of me. My breathing became labored. No matter how hard I flapped and how much I tried to change my direction, I just kept circling the tree.

When the other birds seemed to disappear into the radiance of the sun, I heard a sound. It was soft at first, distant. I heard it once, then again but louder, and again even louder. It was the sound of my cell phone's text message alerts.


And that's when I woke up. I had fallen asleep on the couch, and when I looked down at my phone on the floor there were four text messages received. All of them were from the same person. None of them really were necessary.


  1. This brought tears to my eyes... I understand the bird. Thanks for sharing

  2. Thats really, really beautiful. :)

    So what's been up with you lately? I know this is a... "dream" blog. But you take the time to tell us about your well deserved punishment sting yet we know nothing about whats going on... sharing would be much appreciated! ;)

    Bleah Briann

  3. How was your weekend??? Back to school and everything. I'm homeschooled and its still torture. Hope all is well. You've been posting regularly for a few days now! This is great progress ;) Hopefully being stuck home with school will get you on the stick a bit better huh?


  4. Torture? Homeschool can't be all that bad...

  5. LOL. Logan... it can be rough (it IS school, after all), especially if you don't manage time well (which I struggle with), or take on too many challenging classes, or have other things going on. You just decide how torturous it is... Plus, any form of school, no matter how ordinarily enjoyable, is torture right after summer break ends :). I'LL MISS YOU, GLORIOUS SUNSHINE :'(! (I'm feeling a bit dramatic, please forgive me)

  6. ooh you don't know the half of it, though I'm sure public school is a pain too. I'm with Elizabeth, its still school... And its school that you have to keep up with, you can't rely on a teacher to keep everything straight for you. And theres the ever nagging relatives who are sure you're going fall flat on your face and become inept that you have to prove wrong. ;)

    Wow.... art huh? Sounds better then my weekend. My family was drunk by 9pm, I spent my evening hiding behind the house looking up at the stars (we can't see the stars very well in the city where I live, to much light). So yeah, I think I would definetly trade with you any day. I love museums and stuff like that but we never go...

    God Bless!,
    Bleah Briann

  7. Bleah plans on becoming something amazing... sadly thats all she knows. *sigh* But definetly nothing scientifical. ;)

    All I know as of late is that I'm going to a Christian college to become something the world needs and be darn good at it to.

    My grandma thinks I should be in politics. My friend says Physcologist, my sister says teacher. But I fail to think I'd be good at any of those.

    What does logan wanna be? besides a musical prodagy?

  8. You're not slacking ARE you???? its been about a week.... hmmm. :)


  9. Its a new month ma' dear! You should really post something. :)

